Hwy 401 Westbound On-Ramp on Kennedy Rd. South has Opened
Hwy 401 Westbound On-Ramp on Kennedy Rd. South has Opened
(Scarborough-Agincourt – Monday, May 13th, 2024) For the past year, MPP Babikian has worked tirelessly to ensure that the westbound ramp on Kennedy South for Highway 401 was finally opened. Despite the unexpected delays and missed targeted opening times, MPP Babikian kept his commitment to serving his constituents.
The lines of communication were always open with Minister of Transportation, Hon. Prabmeet Sarkaria, and Associate Minister Hon. Vijay Thanigasalam, advocating for the needs of the Scarborough-Agincourt community. MPP Babikian did not leave any stone unturned to address this issue. Accordingly, due to MPP Babikian’s effort and advocacy, the ramp was opened much earlier than the scheduled date.
The long-waited time has been frustrating to commuters; however, this frustration was also experienced by MPP Babikian. This achievement will undoubtedly make commuting seamless and make life less arduous for our residents.
MPP Babikian would like to commend Scarborough-Agincourt residents, organizations, and associations for their vigilance, advocacy, patience, and collaboration with our office to address this important issue. MPP Babikian would also like to thank Ministers Sarkaria and Thanigasalam for their cooperation in solving this important issue.
MPP Babikian is committed to serving the community of Scarborough-Agincourt and his office is always open for listening to our residents’ issues and concerns and work with them to address any issue regardless of its difficulty. This case is another example that when we work together, we can overcome any obstacle.
坚尼地道 (南行) 401号公路 (西行) 入口匝道
(2024年5月13日星期一🞄士嘉堡-爱静阁) 在白必勤省议员 (MPP Aris Babikian) 不断争取下,坚尼地道 (南行) 右转入401号公路西行入口匝道,最终重新开放通行。尽管开放通行曾遇到阻滞,白必勤省议员仍致力服务选区居民。
他一直与省运输厅长 Prabmeet Sarkaria 阁下和副厅长 Vijay Thanigasalam 阁下保持联系,反映士嘉堡-爱静阁居民的诉求。白必勤省议员不断探索一切可行渠道,望能解决此事。
白必勤省议员赞扬士嘉堡-爱静阁居民与社区组织的倡导和耐心,也感谢省运输厅长 Prabmeet Sarkaria 阁下和副厅长 Vijay Thanigasalam 阁下的合作,以及运输厅职员的配合,让问题得以解决。
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Jason LEUNG 梁振森
堅尼地道 (南行) 401號公路 (西行) 入口匝道
(2024年5月13日星期一🞄士嘉堡-愛靜閣) 在白必勤省議員 (MPP Aris Babikian) 不斷爭取下,堅尼地道 (南行) 右轉入401號公路西行入口匝道,最終重新開放通行。儘管開放通行曾遇到阻滯,白必勤省議員仍致力服務選區居民。
他一直與省運輸廳長 Prabmeet Sarkaria 閣下和副廳長 Vijay Thanigasalam 閣下保持聯繫,反映士嘉堡-愛靜閣居民的訴求。白必勤省議員不斷探索一切可行渠道,望能解決此事。
白必勤省議員讚揚士嘉堡-愛靜閣居民與社區組織的倡導和耐心,也感謝省運輸廳長 Prabmeet Sarkaria 閣下和副廳長 Vijay Thanigasalam 閣下的合作,以及運輸廳職員的配合,讓問題得以解決。
白必勤省議員致力服務士嘉堡-愛靜閣社區,他和團隊願意傾聽居民的意見和訴求,並與他們一起解決不同複雜程度的問題。 這個案再次證明,共同努力可以克服任何障礙。
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Jason LEUNG 梁振森